What Should You Do If You Aren't Receiving Your Taobao Verification Code?
How to setup a TaoBao account, TaoBao no verification code

This post will guide you through the process of resolving verification code issues that you may encounter during the Taobao registration process.
Based on my own experience and the feedback of others, I've come up with three possible solutions.
1. Make use of Google Voice (Recommend)
After registering with Google Voice, you will receive a US phone number, and this phone number is capable of receiving taobao verification codes without difficulty. I have used Google Voice to register taobao accounts for myself and others with a 100 percent success rate, so this is the most straightforward method.
Here's how to use Google Voice in a simple manner: Google Voice: The Definitive Guide to Using It
2. Consult with your telephone service provider.
Some phone service providers automatically block text messages from overseas.
As a result, you must inquire with your phone carrier company to see if it will enable the international message service for you.
3. Experiment with the Taobao Mobile App.
A new mobile application, dubbed "Taobao lite(lite)," has just been released by Taobao. You can download and install it on your smart phone, and then try to register your Taobao account on your mobile phone using that device.
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