Aside from Taobao, these are the top 5 Chinese online stores.

Top 5 Chinese online stores online on taobao

Aside from Taobao, these are the top 5 Chinese online stores.

When it comes to your Chinese shopping, have you ever ventured outside of the confines of It is possible that you will become trapped in a cycle of sales-driven discounting, fuzzy photos of products you will never want or need, and simply too much stuff. Rather than focusing on mass-market e-commerce, why not look into more specialized experiences that provide higher quality, cooler technology, unique products, and "designer shop" dazzle?

T-Mall, JD, Suning, Yihoudian, and VIP Shop are all worth a visit, and each one will leave you impressed with its own distinct personality. Opening their websites in Chrome is a good idea. Google Translate will assist you in navigating websites that are predominantly in Chinese.


9875675e0c67ebfdc31755d7d8a54fef5T-Mall ( provides a wonderful shopping experience that is based on the high quality of its vendors. Remove yourself from the irritating cartoonish diamonds and crowns rating system of Taobao; on T-Mall, you can rest assured that every vendor is dependable. T-Mall has thoroughly investigated the backgrounds and reputations of sellers before allowing only a select number of merchants to sell their wares. Sellers are required to provide proof of the authenticity of their products in order to sell them. Keep an eye out for the little blue ribbons that certify that a product has been officially certified. T-Mall carries virtually every type of product available on, as well as many others. The most significant difference is that T-products Mall's are all of the highest possible quality.

4085768177681bbc808268b0744BJD ( is another brand that represents dependability and authenticity. It is a major competitor of T-Mall as well as one of the largest online retailers in the country. Originating as a retailer of electronic goods such as computers and phones, it has expanded its offerings to include fashion and household goods as well as toys, travel packages, lottery tickets, and crowdfunding opportunities. You could make a difference by assisting new Asian musicians in launching their careers or by funding robotic breakthroughs! Customers from other countries should be aware that they will most likely be redirected to the English language portal Despite the fact that the Chinese site has a layout that is calm, cool and collected, it does not offer the same variety of products that the American site does, which is a shame.

Getting Some Sun

With more than 1600 brick-and-mortar electronics and appliance stores spread across China, Hong Kong, and Japan, Suning has become a household name in the Asian region. e-shopping experience that will surprise and delight you is provided by Suning's hidden gems are the specialized "Quality House" national and regional stores that carry products from Japan, Europe, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, among other places. The discovery of low-cost Weleda cosmetic products from Germany's leading natural-ingredient manufacturer has been a real pleasure. Alternatively, perhaps you're looking for fish oil tablets from the Australian nutritional supplement company, Blackmore. Suning, like T-Mall, is a partner of Alibaba, which means you can expect a smooth online experience from start to finish.

Yihoudian ( was one of the first online grocery stores in China, and it continues to be so today. When it launched its giant-poster campaign in public spaces, where mobile phone users could scan product codes within an image of an attractive, well-stocked store shelf, the company made waves among tech-savvy consumers. Then they send their order over to Yihoudian, and the goods are delivered to their doorstep within hours of placing it! Yihoudian is currently controlled by Walmart. In response, the company's product selection has grown to include apparel as well as home improvement gadgets, gift cards, and toys. Delivery service is only available in major cities in China, so if you live outside of the country, an agent is a "must." It's possible that your product selection will be limited as well.

V.I.P. Store

The VIP Shop  will strike you as a fairly eclectic shopping site. 0e0318b011006c6d18f7c2ec080f1e20 There are many different kinds of cosmetics, nutritional supplements, and products for mothers and children to choose from. However, popular fashion brands such as Vans, Adidas, Camel, and Hilfiger, as well as fragrances and a large selection of designer shoes, are available for men. The Asian financial products and investment opportunities available through the VIP Shop are a particularly intriguing aspect of the product mix. It's possible that non-Chinese readers will be dissatisfied with the limited number of English translations available on the site, but if you're looking for some adventurous shopping in unfamiliar territory, this is the place to go.

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