What is the best way to communicate with a salesperson on Taobao?
how to contact a salesperson for Taobao

Don't know how to communicate with a seller on Taobao's website? Listed below is a method of contacting him that is simple and quick (AliWangWang Chat), but keep in mind that everything you write in this medium must be done in Mandarin and during China's business hours. I understand that it can be difficult to communicate with sellers on Taobao.com at times; as a result, I recommend that you use a purchasing agent in China, such as Wegobuy, which I personally recommend to you.
2. Select the "I am a Buyer" radio button.
It is the option "I am a buyer" that is being discussed. wangwang taobao 2 (Wangwang Taobao 2)
3. Choose the computer or mobile device platform wangwang taobao 3 that you want to use.
Option 4: Choose either the Windows or Macintosh operating systems.
5. Download the wangwang taobao 5 application, which is 70 MB in size.
6. Download and install the application Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation on your computer.
Wangwang taobao 6 (Wangwang Taobao 6). Return to Taobao's website and look for this blue icon, then click on the Wangwang Taobao 7 link to complete the transaction.
8. Select "Start app" from the drop-down menu.
Select "Remember my selection for links..." from the drop-down menu.
wangwang taobao 8 wangwang taobao 8
9. Fill out the registration information.
The username and password for wangwang taobao 9 have been entered.
10. Get ready for the simple truth!
You can now contact the seller on Taobao wangwang taobao 10 by filling out the contact form.
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