How to use Wegobuy ($86 Coupon)
How to order and purchase from Wegobuy

In addition to, WeGoBuy is another platform for making purchases of products from the page. In this case, the Buy for Me service is available, which means that you should look for the product you want on Taobao and inform Wegobuy that you want to buy it, they will take care of the entire process of purchase, post-sale (Changes, photos, returns, measurements, and so on), and once you agree on the product It's important to remember that Taobao is exclusively available to Chinese citizens, and that using a buying agent is highly recommended.
What is the procedure for using WeGoBuy?
Table of Contents In WeGoBuy, you can purchase the products that they promote on their website, but you can also inform your product to purchase in Taobao by simply clicking on the link to the product that you want to purchase in Taobao. I have worked with a number of different agencies, and I often utilize Cssbuy, which is another option. My experience with WeGoBuy was quite positive, which is why I chose to write this blog post about it. We may remark that the agents deal with rates that are fairly comparable; nonetheless, we choose the agent that provides us with the greatest service. I have worked with a number of different agencies, and I often utilize Cssbuy, which is another option. My experience with WeGoBuy was quite positive, which is why I chose to write this blog post about it. We may claim that the pricing of the agents are relatively comparable; nonetheless, we will select the agency that provides us with the finest service.
How can I become a member of Wegobuy?
Simply make an account in the "Sign Up" area in the top right corner of the screen and fill in the necessary details. That's all there is to it. Please keep in mind that I still recommend that you create a unique password that you do not use on any other websites for security reasons. Also, don't be concerned about your payment information, such as your PayPal account — When you visit the WeGoBuy home page, you never input your email address and PayPal password; instead, you are sent to the official Paypal website, where you log in as normal.
- Create a Wegobuy account to begin shopping.
Ordering procedure - Instructions on how to place an order
On Taobao, you may find the thing you're looking for. Use Google Image Search or Google Translate, or whatever you want to do. Learn how to conduct a search on
Go to WeGoBuy and copy and paste the Taobao URL at the top of the page, as shown in the attachment. You will be sent directly to the Taobao website, but with the information in English and with Wegobuy choices to add to your shopping basket as soon as you click through. (Keep in mind to carefully pick the specifics of your purchase.) - (size, color, measures, etc).Select the features you want and add them to your basket. You can then pay for them all at once. -
You will be sent back to the Wegobuy website, where you will notice the first payment that has to be made. Keep in mind that there are two payments: one for the goods and another for shipping to the target country, so plan accordingly. Select the destination country from the drop-down menu and click Submit.
This is the stage at which you make the payment using the amount you have in Wegobuy or you may pay using Paypal.
Following receipt of payment, Wegobuy personnel purchases the goods and notifies you of its arrival at the warehouse. You may also request that they give you images of the product and other services. If you are satisfied with the goods and it is exactly what you wanted, you continue to make the payment for the shipping and that is the end of it; all you have to do now is sit at home and wait for the item to arrive.
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